Fiera di Vita in Campagna is back. From Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th March. The venue is the exhibition Centre called "Centro Fiera del Garda" of Montichiari (Brescia), located in via Brescia 129. This famous national event is dedicated to hobby farmers, to people who are enthusiastic about gardening, the vegetable garden. Various areas are dedicated to pets, livestock and the vegetable garden. Moreover there will be an area dedicated to food and wine specialities of every Italian region called "Salone di Origine". Producers will explain the origins of their products and the raw materials used for their preparation. At this trade fair there will be the stand of Edizioni L'Informatore Agrario with a seller. The subscribers, showing "Carta Verde" will have a special discount on the cover price of the publishing products of Edizioni L'Informatore Agrario.